Thursday 3 September 2009

Ah, bollocks.

Up until I dunno, a week ago? Ask me if I wanted children, and my answer would have been "Meh."
Just meh. I wasn't exactly anti-family, or anything, but if a fortune teller had told me I'd never have kids, I wouldn't have cried or even been that bothered.

Now though, that's changed. All of a sudden, WHAM BAM THANKYOU MAM, I am broody as heck.

And you know why? A stupid facebook quiz, one of these predict-you-future jobbies. Obviously it's not going to come true, I'm not completely braindead. But all of a sudden, I just...
Picture came out small, but text reads:

"Emma took the 'Children? How Many? Where? When? And got the result: 3 girls 2 boys. You will have identical triplet girls at 23 years old, you will call them Eva, Isla and Mia. Then on your 30th birthday you will have a son called Jacob. Finally just before you turn 34 you will have another boy called Fin."

I don't want triplets, I don't want 5 children, whatever. What I do want is a family. I don't want to be alone when I'm old, I don't want to have lived a life of complete unfulfillment, blah, blah and blah.

So yeah...heartwarming, huh? I guess I'm softening up in my old age.

Other things to tell you about:

My hallway currently looks like an umbrella garden. There are four, and my hall is so small I can't do the splits across the length of it.
I can't do the splits anyway, but whatever.

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